
Power Bleaching: In just one hour!

More and more dental surgeries in Germany now employ the new Zoom by Philips bleaching method from the USA. We too have every confidence in this advanced technique’s ability to make your teeth attractively white – with the treatment taking just one hour of your time!

Important information for patients: this method has been scrupulously tested for side-effects in compliance with strict safety standards. The tooth structure undergoes no alteration, and the whitening process is painless. Heightened tooth sensitivity may occur temporarily, but any such reaction soon vanishes – whereas the visible improvement produced by the treatment lasts for several years. We will be pleased to advise you on every aspect of QuickWhite™.

Single-tooth bleaching: Simple. Uncomplicated. Inexpensive

For cases in which a crown was once the only option, we are now able to offer an inexpensive and also less radical alternative: the bleaching of single discoloured teeth (for example, at the front or side of the mouth). This treatment is fast, stress-free and cost-effective. Ask for more information!

Airflow®: Perfect dental hygiene combined with Swiss precision

The original Airflow® method from Switzerland ensures the fast, gentle and pain-free cleaning of your teeth. And because problems like plaque and discoloration are not merely cosmetic, the cleansing procedure also enhances your continued dental health. After plaque and tartar have been removed by this mixture of water and powder, you will be astonished to notice just how different your teeth feel!

Incidentally: this service is provided at no extra charge in the scope of our preventive dental care programme!